Faith Life Church

What Is Peace?

The dictionary defines peace as “freedom from disturbance; tranquility.” Some would define peace as having financial freedom, others as having their health, others as having healthy relationships. We think that if these areas of our lives were fulfilled that we would have peace. But peace does not have to be determined by our circumstances. We can have peace even in the midst of chaos.  

“You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, 
all whose thoughts are fixed on you!”
—Isaiah 26:3 (NLT)

Why Don’t We Have Peace? 

Frankly, we often respond to the circumstances of life through the lenses of our past mistakes and regrets while at the same time attempting to attain bigger and better things and positions. We are constantly striving to obtain a level of perfection that we will never achieve. If perfection was achievable on our own, we wouldn’t need Jesus. 

“We don’t need to look at our mistakes and become insecure and self-focused; rather, we need to be focused on Jesus. It’s time that we look at Jesus and say, I’m righteous because of what He did. I’m valuable because of what He did. I can hold my head up high because my identity is in Christ. I can be who God created me to be.’”
—Drenda Keesee

Why We Need Peace?

This is why we need God’s peace in our lives. Peace allows us to rest. Peace does not equate to laziness. Peace means being content where you are at and trusting that God will lead you. Peace is saying to God, “There is chaos all around me, but I know that you are working, and I trust that you will lead me through this.” 

Matthew 6:25 (NIV) says, “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?” If you are following God and seeking His plan for your life, you can trust that He will provide. You can have peace in your life by trusting God. Know that His plan will prevail through all of the chaos and mess. 

“Be strong and courageous. 
Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” 
—Deuteronomy 31:6 (NIV)

We Can Walk in Peace When We Follow God’s Plan

Dustin and Kendall felt God leading them to start a business. The start-up ended up costing them five times the originally anticipated amount. They took matters into their own hands and were unsure of how they would make it financially with his new position. Dustin found a loan for $30,000 to buy them a few more weeks, but Kendall did not have peace about it. They took a leap of faith and sowed a seed. They had peace about it, and God provided! One year later, they have paid off all of their debt and are able to be generous. They not only have peace in their finances but also peace in their daily lives. They know that they are walking in God’s purpose and He will provide. Watch the full story of how Dustin and Kendall followed the principles of the Kingdom to shift from barely surviving to thriving in a short period of time!

Society and Peace

The problem with keeping up with society is that it is always evolving. Keeping up with the Joneses is an impossible task because we never actually reach a sustainable level of contentment. When we think we have finally “arrived,” someone else has already received the “next best thing.”

We allow society to define for us what is valuable. With the constant hustle and bustle of everyday life, it can be difficult to find peace. Motivational quotes are located everywhere we look to remind us to keep pushing forward, never quit, stay hungry, and never settle. While it’s important to keep focused on what’s ahead and continue to grow, we need to remember that it’s okay to rest. Society was never meant to be our measuring stick for our morals, our values, or our success. Peace is found in knowing we are forgiven, and we no longer need to strive to be like anyone else.

When the Storm Comes

When the storms of life come crashing upon the shores of our lives, it can be a struggle to maintain peace. When we go through hard times and can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel, it can be challenging to understand that God is with us and have peace. God is not the author of suffering. He does not cause storms in our lives. If we choose in the midst of the storm to focus on His goodness, His peace will guard our hearts. On the other hand, when we decide to take matters into our own hands and control the situation, it gets messy. We can lose that peace and feel stressed, confused, and stuck. In these moments, we lose our peace and have to go back to God and have Him be our guide and our source. 

“Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.”
—Philippians 4:7 (NLT)

Tonya Stout was diagnosed with breast cancer. Nevertheless, Tonya and her husband chose to believe that God has a plan for her life. The facts are the facts, and the promises are the promises. When facing a diagnosis, Tonya chose to have more than a positive attitude; she decided to have a PROMISE attitude. Watch as the Stouts share their story of standing on the promises of God and how God brought them through the pain to obtain His promise of healing! Life may bring painful situations, but God is still able to fill our hearts with peace. He walks us THROUGH the valley of the shadow of death. Watch the full story here:

How to Find Peace

Peace is found in having a relationship with Jesus. When we are following His plan and seeking His will, we will have peace. This does not mean that following Him will be easy, and at times it can still feel terrifying, but following Him will bring us peace that nobody else and nothing else can provide. 

“Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.”
—Colossians 3:15 (NIV)
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