Hi, Faith Life Church,
Pastor Cindy here. I like to take time in the beginning of the new year to review my Prayer Journal and Vision Board. This helps me reflect on answered prayers, direction I received, and on requests or goals still to come.
It helps me to reexamine what I have been doing as I set plans in motion for this new year.
We all have prayer request, goals, and dreams. I hope you are reviewing your own list of prayers and goals. Maybe this is the year you have decided to start keeping a journal or make a vision board. That is awesome. Keep focused on God, on His Word, and have fun—dream big!
I want to encourage you to spend time in God’s presence.
Set time aside:
- to pray
- to seek His wisdom and His plan
- to dream
Keep your journal filled with your prayer requests, goals, and dreams.
Take the time to ask yourself some honest questions as you reflect over the past year. Honest review and feedback help us to see where we have been and determine where we are headed.
Ask questions like:
- “What was my focus last year?”
- “Did I have the right focus?”
- “Am I seeking God, or did I detour off the road with things that derailed me from fulfilling His plans and purposes?”
- “Are there things I need to change?”
- “How can I be a better person, spouse, parent, friend, employee, or leader?”
We can be doing great work; however, if the things we are doing are not God directed, they are works He cannot bless.
So how do we make sure we are aligned with God’s direction?
Glad you asked. Here are a few things to keep in mind as you prepare to kick off 2019.
Are you spending time in prayer?
Make sure you set aside time each day to get in His presence.
Praise God—the enemy will not stay where God is being praised. While you are in your prayer closet, if God brings certain things to mind that you need to repent of—do so.
Agree with Him that you have not aligned with His Word, and get back on track. It is that simple.
Apologize and forgive—these are two of the best ways to keep connected with God and to be free from the enemy. As you spend time in your prayer closet, let go of pride and selfish ambition. Seek God’s will, His plan, and His purpose.
Spend time in His Word, and find out what He has for you. It will be better than you can possibly think or imagine!
And be sure to thank God for all He has done for you.
A great place to start… Think about if you went into tomorrow with only what you have been thankful for today. Your list will grow fast, and so will your thankfulness.
There is no time like the present to jump in and start your year off in the best way possible—with God at the helm!
If you are married, come together as a couple with your personal list, so you can merge your thoughts and plans together. The Bible tells us that two are better than one for if one falls, the other can help him up.
Praying together as husband and wife and with your family is a powerful tool and sets you on a firm foundation.
If you are single, review your list with a trusted friend, someone who will be honest with you, who believes in you, and will cheer you on to achieve all God wants and has for you.
Isn’t it wonderful that we have the opportunity to reflect, redirect, and reestablish goals and plans?
If we set ourselves aside and seek God, He will help us establish the work of our hands, so we align with His plans and purposes and fulfill our callings and have a better than we can imagine year.
Praying all God’s best for your 2019!
Pastor Cindy