Faith Life Church


Give Crypto

In an effort to support a wide range of diverse giving options for those who give, Faith Life Church has began accepting donations in cryptocurrency. Some of our community members have already requested to make donations in cryptocurrency because of the tax benefits that come along with gifts of cryptocurrency.

Why Crypto

For donors in the United States, the IRS has classified cryptocurrencies as property for tax purposes. This means that when you donate Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies to a 501(c)(3) nonprofit like Faith Life Church, you aren’t required to pay capital gains tax and the amount can be written off on your taxes. Annual giving statements are distributed each year. If you’d like a tax receipt for your cryptocurrency donation specifically, please email


Give During Service

You can always give during one of our weekend or midweek services by filling out the envelope located inside your Worship Guide and placing it in one of the offering containers. You can use this envelope to give by cash or check.

Text to Give

Want to give from your phone? Try text to give!

Text GiveFLC to 28950
TO: 28950

You will then be prompted to reply with the amount you’d like to give.
The first time you give using the text “GiveFLC” you will also be prompted to 
follow a link to update your profile, requiring you to choose 
your primary campus (New Albany Campus, Online Campus or Powell Campus).
You can edit your campus preference at any time by texting Edit to 28950.

We sincerely appreciate your contributions to Faith Life Church. Faith Life Church reserves the right to redirect funds to the area of ministry most needed. 

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